Manuscripts Submissions

Editorial Barcino is a that specialises in publishing Catalan texts, from its origins to the 20th century. Its collections include critical editions, annotated editions and translations into several languages. Barcino’s most historical collection is Els Nostres Clàssics, founded, along with the publishing house, in 1924 by Josep Maria de Casacuberta.

This collection currently has two series: Medieval Authors, for works written up to the seventeenth century, and Modern Authors, for titles dating from the sixteenth to the early nineteenth century. In addition to this collection, we should mention Biblioteca Verdagueriana, for unpublished texts by Jacint Verdaguer and studies on his work; Biblioteca Barcino, for annotated texts and in normative spelling, or Tast de Clàssics, for adaptations of old works into Modern Catalan.

As for translations, Barcino has established co-edition agreements to publish old Catalan texts in English with Tamesis Books and in German with LITVerlag.

If you have any editorial proposal that fits into our catalogue and you want to send it to us, please carefully read the manuscript submission rules and editing criteria.

An Advisory Board, made up of professors and scholars from all over Catalonia, ensures the philological quality and care of the scientific rigour that has distinguished the publishing house since its foundation. They include(d) Lola Badia, Germà Colón †, Francesc Gómez, Tomàs Martínez, Josep Massot, Raquel Parera, Josep Pujol, Joan Santanach, Albert Soler, Josep Solervicens and Guillem Usandizaga, and J. Oriol Magrinyà, who is the current director of Barcino.

The editing proposals received are analysed by external reviewers and by Barcino's philological team.

Rules of Manuscript Submissions

If you want to send us your editorial proposals, you can do so at this e-mail address: You must take into account the following points:

  1. Indicate in the subject line of the mail to which collection you are submitting the proposal. Currently, we only receive proposals for the Els Nostres Clàssics, Biblioteca Barcino, Tast de Clàssics and Imprescindibles collections.
  2. In the body of the mail, make a brief description of the proposal of no more than ten lines.
  3. Attach the sample documents you deem appropriate for us to evaluate.
  4. Attach information about your academic resume and contact information.

In addition, please note the editing criteria (in Catalan) for our collections, which you can download here:

"Biblioteca Barcino" and "Imprescindibles", presentation and editorial criteria

Protocol for reception, acceptance and publication of the volums '"Els Nostres Clàssics"

Editorial criteria of "Els Nostres Clàssics"

Transcription criteria of "Els Nostres Clàssics".

Only proposals that meet these conditions will be answered, and no correspondence will be maintained on discarded and unsolicited originals.