Observatori dels Valors ('Observatory of Values')

The collection ‘Observatori dels Valors’ aims to reflect on present-day Catalan society. Usually, the inertia imposed by contemporaneity defines the values transmitted to the new generations by the education system. In Western cultures, though, we should pause for a moment from time to time and reflect on where we are going. Are we on the right track, or do we drift? This is what the collection ‘Observatori dels Valors’ aims to do in collaboration with the ESADE Chair in Democratic Leadership and Democratic Governance. The result is a critical x-ray of 21st-century-Catalans aiming to promote debate and influence society.
This collection resulted from a collaboration between the Lluís Carulla Foundation and ESADE (Chair in Leadership and Democratic Governance). Chair: Jordi Pujol. Directors of the collection: Natàlia Cantó and Àngel Castiñeira.

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