
"Mirades", by Editorial Barcino. An invitation to the pleasure of reading between generations. Current Catalan authors are opposed to Catalan and international tradition and, with it own perspective, dialogue with it, claim it, reinterpret it and rewrite it with the focus on the nowadays reader.

Els Marges

Imprescindibles - Biblioteca de clàssics catalans

Imprescindibles is the collection of Editorial Barcino that collects the classics of catalan literature up to the XX century for readers of the XXI century. Along with indisputable names and titles, there will also be works that for various reasons have fallen from the canon and today are difficult to find.

Els Nostres Clàssics ('Our Classics') - Medieval Authors

The publisher's most emblematic collection. 'Els nostres Clàssics' – Medieval Authors (previously 'Series B') offers critical editions curated by the best specialists in works written up to and including the 15th century. It is of great international and academic prestige, and leading the recovery and dissemination of old literature.

Els nostres clàssics ('Our Classics') - Series A

The publisher's most emblematic collection. Since its creation—along with the publishing house—in 1924 by Josep Maria de Casacuberta, it has gone through various stages in its almost one-hundred-year history. 'Series A' contains the first 140 editions and constitutes an authentic literary and bibliographical patrimony of Catalonia.

Els Nostres Clàssics ('Our Classics') - Modern Authors

Biblioteca Barcino ('Barcino Library')

Tast de clàssics ('A Taste of the Classics')

Modern Catalan editions of the great Catalan classics. This collection by renowned writers, poets or specialists is an invitation to discover and enjoy our rich literary Catalan heritage. You will find everything from editions of the great poets (always alongside the original text), to entire works such as Lo somni, or Curial i Güelfa, as well as selected anthologies or chapters of more extensive works, such as the four great medieval chronicles.

Col·lecció 7 Portes ('7 Portes Collection')

A worldwide unique collection of historical recipes for Catalan cuisine. It starts with the oldest cookbook of the Iberian Peninsula (the Llibre de Sent Soví) and reaches until the 20th century. The volumes of the medieval period are presented in Old Catalan and Modern Catalan. Editions are made by philologists, historians and culinary specialists of the Alícia Foundation. In collaboration with the Restaurant 7 Portes.

Biblioteca històrica de la traducció catalana ('Historical Library of Catalan Translation')

The BHTC (Biblioteca Històrica de la Traducció Catalana) recovers—in facsimile editions accompanied by an introductory study prepared by a specialist—historical translations of reference titles of universal literature, especially remarkable for their literary quality and published during the first half of the 20th century.

Biblioteca Verdagueriana ('Verdaguer's Library')

Col·lecció Museu de la Vida Rural ('Rural Life Museum Collection')

The publications of the Museu de la Vida Rural compile texts and studies of an ethnographic nature that have been published in the context of the museum’s collection and works produced by the Museu de la Vida Rural in L'Espluga de Francolí. You will also find novels there and a unique and interesting work called "L'hort del segon origen".

Observatori dels Valors ('Observatory of Values')

The collection 'Observatori dels Valors' aims to reflect on today's Catalan society. Usually, the inertia imposed by contemporaneity defines the values transmitted to the new generations by the education system. In Western cultures, though, we should pause for a moment from time to time and reflect on where we are going. Are we on the right track, or do we drift? This is what the collection 'Observatori dels Valors' aims to do in collaboration with the ESADE Chair in Leadership and Democratic Governance. The result is a critical x-ray of 21-century Catalans to promote debate and influence society.

